Welcome to the Member Site
Members and Companions of the Royal House and Orders and those interested in being part of the Royal Ghassan Institute may subscribe to the corresponding Member Sites below. Choose an Annual Subscription. Once subscribed, you may access and update your entries in the Golden Book, partake in online courses, and stay updated on events and special offers to subscribed members.
To subscribe, click the button below to join and choose subscriptions. Once you have joined and subscribed, remember to update your profile and subscribe to the monthly e-news. We also have a community app. To join, contact the Grand Chancellor to verify membership and receive the invitation to the private app community.
Members of the Royal House and Orders in good standing have free access. House members must click the subscription bar below and choose a subscription to access the member-only area. Royal House and Orders Companions have a minimum annual fee/oblation to help support the mission of the Royal House and Orders (USD 10 per year).
If you have any issues setting up your account, please do not hesitate to contact the Grand Chancellor.