مروءة آل غسان
Muru'at al-Ghasaan
The Guiding Principles for Members of the House, Orders, and Confraternities Under His Imperial Royal Highness Prince Gharios El Chemor of Ghassan Al-Nu'Man VIII, Chief of Name and Arms of the Sovereign Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan, Chief of Name and Arms of the Imperial House of Nikephoros, Basileus Araves, and Sheikh El Chemor of Akoura and Zgharta Zawiye
A person seeking membership in the House, Royal Order, or Confraternity shall indicate a desire to further the ancient code of honor of the House of Ghassan. The following principles are presented here as a Code of Honor (Arabic, Muru’a) for members of the House and Orders.
As a member of a Royal Order of the House of Ghassan or a Confraternity under the Patronage of the Head of the House of Ghassan, the person shall solemnly vow at their accolade to the following standards of ethical conduct.
I will conduct my life in a manner that is faithful to the ancient and modern chivalric code. Therefore, I will:
Practice disciplines of study, prayer, reflection, stewardship, and service;
Be honest and truthful in my relationships with others;
Be faithful, keeping the covenants I make and honoring vows;
Treat all persons with equal respect and concern as beloved children of God;
Maintain a healthy balance among the responsibilities of my work and volunteerism, my commitments to family and other primary relationships, and my need for spiritual, physical, emotional, and intellectual renewal;
Refrain from abusive, addictive, or exploitative behavior and seek help to overcome such behavior if it occurs;
Refrain from gossip and abusive speech; and
Maintain an attitude of repentance, humility, and forgiveness, responsive to God’s reconciling will.
I will conduct my life reflecting the values of this Order so that nothing needs to be hidden. Therefore, I will:
Honor the sacred trust of relationships within the covenant community and observe appropriate boundaries;
Be judicious in the exercise of the power and privileges of my membership in the Order, as well as the office and positions of responsibility I hold;
Avoid conflicts of interest that might compromise the effectiveness of the Order;
Refrain from exploiting relationships within the community of the Order for personal gain or gratification, including sexual harassment and misconduct;
Respect the privacy of individuals and not divulge information obtained in confidence without express permission unless an individual is a danger to self or others;
Recognize the limits of my gifts and training and refer persons and tasks to others as appropriate;
Claim only those qualifications attained, give appropriate credit where credit is right and due;
Refrain from decisions, actions, and relationships that might compromise my trustworthiness or the confidence of the Order to uphold its standards and purpose;
Recruit members for the House and Orders responsibly, respect existing relationships, and refrain from exploiting persons in vulnerable situations;
Be a faithful steward of and fully account for funds and property entrusted to me; and
Accept discipline and the appropriate guidance of those to whom I am accountable.
If a Christian, I will participate as a partner with others in the ministry and mission of the Church universal. Therefore, I will:
Preach, teach, and bear witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ with courage, speaking the truth in love;
Participate in the mission and governance of the Order and work for the unity of the holy catholic church;
Show respect and encourage all followers of Christ, as well as other faith traditions; and
Cooperate with those working for justice, compassion, and peace worldwide, including partners of other faith traditions.