The Sovereign Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan, NGO / IGO

The role of the Sovereign Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan is to be an international diplomatic agent working on the inter-religious dialogue and the protection of ethnic and religious minorities in the Middle East and diaspora, advancing the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 217A on December the 10th, 1948; and developing, improving, and harmonizing diplomatic and inter-religious dialogue is best coordinated by international organizations. As the administrative arm of the Royal House, the Chancellery will publish public bulletins regarding the purpose and work of the international organization. Please note that the Royal House of Ghassan, its Chancellery, and various associations do not have paid staff. In addition, the Head of House is also not compensated. This NGO/IGO is currently 100% volunteer.

UN ECOSOC Registration Link